Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Jade and Chinese Medicine for September

September is early autumn in Chinese medicine. The element is metal, the color is white,and related to the lung. The yang organ is the large intestine. Food that supports the lung and large intestine has a spicy taste. For health, also eat seasonal fruits, such as apples, pears, peaches, grapes, tomatoes. The weather starts to become cooler, so be sure to keep warm. Although it might be difficult to give up the warm weather clothes you wore in August, this is the time of year when people start to catch colds. If you feel like you need to sleep more, it's because your immune system is trying to get stronger for the cooler weather that will come this month and next.

If you have ragweed allergies this time of year, try Xiao Yao Wan. Drink green tea for your immune system and to keep toxins and allergens flushed from your body. Ginseng is also good for building immunity, and the sliced ginseng root is convenient to carry and use during the day. You can also cook with it.

If you have spent a lot of time outdoors and find that you've been squinting in the summer brightness, don't let that squint turn into a forehead wrinkle. Frown Ease Kits combine the healing power of heat and jade to restore the blood flow to your forehead to help release and prevent wrinkles. The jade rollers have been used for centuries in  China, and were found in the Emperor's bedroom in the Forbidden City.

Ying Yu Jade FrownEase Wrinkle Reducer Kit  

 If you wear jade for health and energy, to keep your body qi flowing smoothly, this is the time to wear "moss in snow" or "spinach" colors, or variations of light and green jade. September weather is often hot but by the end of the month it's starting to get cool, so your body needs "yin yang" energy, a little of each, to keep balanced. Ying Yu Jade offers yin yang energy balancing jade in bangle bracelets and pendants

Moss in Snow and Spinach Jade Pattern for Wellness in September

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