Thursday, May 9, 2019

Jade Necklaces Calm My Spirit, Keep Me Positive and Creative

We took a short trip to Ohio and Pennsylvania last weekend.  Flight arrived Friday, went to Pittsburgh Saturday, back to Ohio for family reunion Sunday, and flew home again Monday.  I wore my deep deep green almost black Chinese jade bangle bracelet for protection on the "other" wrist, not my left wrist where I wear my all-the-time jade bangle bracelet.

Carved deep green almost black Chinese jade bangle bracelet with qi energy for protection
Everything went smoothly, so the protection worked.  I was more concerned about getting ill because of the measles epidemic, all the germs around the airline, airport, and people we met.  No sickness, so I still believe "black" jade protects.

I had several Burmese jadeite necklaces on adjustable silk cords I intended to take and wear, but forgot.  I sure did miss them.  This one is one of my favorites.

My "Mei" Beautiful "Double Flowers" jadeite necklace on adjustable silk cord
When I go into my home office to start the work day, I put it on.  A smile comes on my face right away because it's so pretty.  It has good qi energy for keeping me calm, positive and creative.  And the white color of the flower has qi energy for compassion,  very helpful for "customer service".  Today a customer notified me that her parcel had not arrived, the USPS tracking showed it spent too many days here in Florida before being "on its way", and it would arrive, but late.  The tracking actually did not show any progress, and the customer is concerned.  I told her of our policy that if a parcel gets lost during delivery, we file a claim (but most of the time it is truly lost...forever!)  and while I file the for the insurance if lost (which there is always an excuse from USPS about why it's not covered by the insurance)  I give her a store credit so she can use what she paid for a replacement.

That's just one of the problems of small online business, losing something in shipment.  So I use the jade in the office to help keep my positive and compassionate while I work. 

Jade is not only "medicine" for the body, but also for mind and spirit.

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