Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Chinese Jade "Money Toads" for Wealth and Prosperity

 These traditional three legged money toads bring good luck and fortune. Great feng shui for the office, and lucky for your home. The toads are beautifully carved and polished, and you can see the natural rough raw jade on the bottom. You have seen these in fake plastic "jade", now you can own the real thing. Carved specially for Ying Yu Jade, they are one-of-a-kind, pure and natural jade from Xiuyan, China. Special gifts for business, wedding, birthdays.  Natural jade means each one is slightly different jade color, shades of green vary.

Traditional Placement:   Place money toad or frog pointing inward your home or office.  Inward means Toad brings money to you, pointing to outside means money flows out.   My Money Toad is on a small cabinet facing my office desk.  I smile at it several times a day!

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