Saturday, November 17, 2018

My Day at a Gem Trade Show: What's Going on in the World of Jade

Earlier this month I went to my favorite Gem Trade Show.  Every space of the building is filled with people selling all kinds of gems.   I always go on the first day, and try to be there as it opens because some Chinese gem sellers set aside jade to show me.  But the jade sellers seem to be going out of business because the usual sellers have not been at the past two shows.

But I wander around every area at least three times with my eye out for jade. 

There was a lot of green stone being sold as "jade" that was aventurine quartz,  they had labeled it "aventurine jade".  When I asked if they sold jadeite, I was shown  all kinds of green "stuff" that was certainly not jade.   The most disappointing "jade" I saw for sale was huge boxes filled with "jade" rollers.  They weren't jade, they were plastic!  When I mentioned it to the seller, I was told that it was real jade they ordered from China. 

Classic Chinese Jade Double Roller

Genuine Natural Chinese Jade Acu-Roller for Chinese Medicine

There were a few sellers who were selling real Burmese jadeite, and it was priced much higher than at the last show.  Any jadeite that is green in color and natural, and is well carved is rare, and the price reflects it.   I had an interesting conversation with a Chinese gem seller who does not shop for his jade near the Burma border, like I do, but travels to Guangzhou Jade Market.  He always takes a look at my web sites, and he told me that the same jade bangles I sell are priced higher in China.  He said tourists pay the most, often don't get genuine and natural jade, but pay the premium price. 

I saw the trend toward selling non-jade as real jade a few years after I started selling online, about 15 years ago.  Real genuine and natural jade and Burmese jadeite is special.  It has the good "qi energy" jade is known for it.  It makes you feel good, and when you feel good, the jade looks better. 

"Non-jade" is pretty, but you should get what you think you are buying.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm also always disappointed when I "try" and shop for jade at those gem tradeshows. Sad but true. Not sure why every sells stuff they "say" is jade but is actually everything but jade.
    And people always look at me all amazed when I know exactly what I'm looking for when it comes to determining Jadeite & Nephrite from everything else they are passing by off as "jade" to poor, unsuspecting people. Smh... so sad that many people mislabel other minerals as jade and that potential customers actually believe them!!!!
