Tuesday, July 26, 2016

What Does My Jade Bangle Mean...To My Cat?

A jade loving customer and friend shared this photo with me of her grand kitty Luna with one of the recent jadeite bangle bracelets she purchased.  Luna found the jade bangle and put it on all by herself.  And look at her eyes.  They glow with good jade qi energy.

It's not only energy mindful humans who feel the qi energy of jade.  When I had two cats, they would sleep with the jade, sometimes in the boxes with it, or take a piece and "hide" it. 

People who want jade to protect their dogs purchase the jade dog pendants to put on their dog's collar.  One of my friend's dog was wearing one when she was hit by a car.  The pendant broke but amazingly the dog was unharmed.  Green jade not only has the good qi energy of the jade, but also has energy for protection.  Many people share stories with me about being in a potentially dangerous, harmful situation, and their jade breaking (taking the damage) but coming out of the situation with no harm to themselves.

Jadeite Dog Pendant

Chinese Jade Dog Pendant

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Memories of Shopping in China

We are getting our new home ready to be a home again.  We spent our first night here, and it was wonderful.  I haven't unpacked the sage to do the smudging and blessing, but it feels good to be in a home after more than two months.

I apologize to all of you who sent me emails about the blog, about specific jade items on the web site, or other things and I haven't had time to get back to you.  Putting a new home on a lot requires constant vigilance and contact with the workers.  I have been exhausted in the evening, and just haven't had the time.  But that will change, I promise.

I'm starting to unpack the jade business things and oh, my:  I can't wait to get back into getting new jade bangle bracelets listed.  I keep finding things I didn't know I had.

This is one reason why I have so much jade and Chinese related inventory:

The Chinese merchants give you big shopping bags when you show.  There are several in the hotel rooms, and the hotels often have many shops inside.  Some are standard market items, but some hotels offer items I never see elsewhere.

When I go to China for jade shopping, I go to Guangzhou.  It's a busy city, and I prefer to stay on Shamian Island because it's more peaceful with parks and a really good Chinese medicine clinic that also gives foot massage, which you need after a long day jade shopping.  The White Swan Hotel is the most luxurious and expensive hotel on Shamian Island.  Eating there is really expensive,   Dinner is usually $80 per person and there's way too much food, so we eat in the other restaurants nearby.  The White Swan Hotel has many shops in it, everything you can imagine including of course jade.  I fill their bags shopping just there.

The Guangzhou Victory Hotel is my favorite hotel to stay in on Shamian Island.  The rooms are much larger than White Swan and less than half the price.  Breakfast is included, and the food there is reasonable and very good.  There's also a laundry next to it where I drop off my clothes one day, and pick them up the next for very low price.  The staff is very nice, and I enjoy practicing Chinese and English with the housekeeping staff.  They love it when I leave "things" behind for them.

As you can see, the bags are still full of things.  Not all is jade, and I'll sort through them and include the contents in the web site listings in a few weeks.

My next moving task is to get all the inventory that's been in the rented office back to my home office. I have missed responding to you who ask about an item, but I don't have it near to give you an answer, and have been going to the temporary office only once a day.  Can't wait to have all my good energy jade back at home with me.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

"Feeling" Jade

I'm looking forward to getting moved into our new home in a week to 10 days.  We're going to move in our furniture that's in storage first, then all the boxes we packed.  I'm saving the jade for last because once I start working with it, I get very involved because it feels so good.

I love the coolness of the jade on my hands and skin when I'm going through a stressful time, or working hard.  And I also feel the qi energy.

Eggplant Grade A Jadeite Pendant JHP25

I keep all of the jade that's listed in small boxes, usually shoe boxes because jade bangles seem to fit nicely in shoe boxes and I can mark them outside and store them on shelves.  When I moved them to my temporary office space, there was a row of folding tables laid out for me, so I put them on the table tops.  During the move over, the boxes got out of order.  So after a week of the chaos, I decided to put them in some order and scheduled an entire day to organize.  I planned to organize the boxes by online store, and category and item number.  Amazingly, I could almost "feel" what was in the boxes as I touched them, and within a couple of hours had almost everything well organized.  I felt the Chinese jade bangles, jadeite bangle bracelets, jadeite pendants vs Chinese jade pendants, and the boxes of jade bangles that I doubt are grade A quality.

I have a lot of organizing to do when we move into the home.  So that's why I'm saving the jade for last.  It will be easier to organize, and "feel good"  while I'm doing it.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Precious Jade in Literature, Art, Film, Media

Jade has been used a symbol, referred to as an analogy for superior quality through centuries. It's rare to find jade as the "star", but is often referred to when the artist or author wants to make the point that something is the highest quality, especially in media that is related to China and Asia.

I'm reading Too Deep for Tears by Kathryn Lynn Davis.  It's a very well written,  emotionally charged novel taking place in the 19th century world.  Part of the story takes place in China.  The term "white jade" is used as a description for the highest form of purity and quality of a woman.  "Pale jade" is referred to a special women who is not yet experienced in life.  And jade as a gem that is worn is highly cherished.

While reading, I kept getting distracted because I had a great urge to put on my pure white with imperial green vein jadeite bangle bracelet.  That jade bangle came to mind every time I read a "jade" phrase because it is of that kind of quality.

And because it's July here in the Western world, which means the weather is hot and humid, and white jade has cooling, cleansing qi energy.

"Peaceful Spirit" White Jadeite Bangle with Certificate #627

If you look at white jade and you feel a desire for it, that's your inner qi energy letting you know it's the right kind of jade for you, to balance your qi energy, for body, mind and spirit health and wellness.

Best Quality Classic Round Chinese Jade Bangle Bracelet, Choose your Size