Saturday, May 6, 2017

Options to Wearing a Jade Bangle Bracelet, and Wearing More Than One Jade Bangle Bracelet

Two girlfriends came over to visit with me today.  Of course, they wanted to see that jade that I have been getting the past few weeks.  I pulled out a selection of jade bangle bracelets and other jade items before they came over, otherwise we would we be tempted to go through all the boxes, all the drawers, the shelves, the cases and the closet where the jade is stored.  And that would mean a big mess to clean up!  I brought the selection into the dining area, made tea, and we spent a couple of hours looking, feeling, trying on.

When they left, with their souvenirs from the visit, I brought all the jade back into my home office and started putting it away.  I keep everything that's listed in storage boxes with labels on them, and they boxes fit well on the wall of shelves.  As I was moving the boxes around, I saw the hollow bead Burmese jadeite stretch bracelets that I had never had a chance to list.  I also wanted to get a photo to put on Pinterest to show how they look as a "spacer" between two jadeite bangle bracelets, both with different coloring.  The lighting outdoors on my lanai looked just right for taking the photo, but it took me several attempts getting a photo on my wrist.  That meant going in the office when I got done with 20-25 photos, seeing how they looked, then going back out and taking 20-25 more, six times.  About an hour.  I finally got a photo that 1) didn't have my toes in at as I aimed the camera down to get the best lighting on it, and 2) didn't make my wrist look too wrinkled and weird.

I still had all the boxes out all over the floor, and had to put them back in order.  But I was exhausted.  Jade is stone, and a box is quite heavy, and moving them around takes more energy than working out in a gym.

Just for curiosity, I decided to weigh the two jade bangle bracelets and bead bracelet I had on my wrist, because it felt really heavy.  The two jade bangles were larger sizes and the bead bracelet is heavy because the beads are large.  It weighed 10 oz.

Burmese jadeite hollow carved stretch bracelet, worn as a "spacer" between jade bangle bracelets
If you want to wear two jade bangle bracelets together but don't want them to hit each other and possibly crack,  you can wear a "spacer" between them, a regular bracelet, or a jade bead bracelet.  Notice how genuine and natural jadeite always looks good with other jade, even though they are not the same color.  If you wear smaller jade bangle bracelets and one of the smaller jadeite bead bracelets, it's comfortable.  But if you want to give your arm a workout and build muscle, try two wide or large bangle bracelets with the large hollow jadeite bead bracelet shown in the photo.

Some women just cannot wear a jade bangle bracelet.  Perhaps their knuckles and wrist bones are tender, and it hurts too much to get a jade bangle on.  And some women who wear a larger size may not be able to find a genuine, natural jadeite bangle bracelet that's affordable to them, so they can wear one of the jadeite bead bracelets instead.

The hollow bead bracelet and the single beads that can be worn on a chain or on a Pandora style bracelet are the same beads.

Hollow Carved Jadeite Bead on a Chain

Jade bangle bracelets can be heavy.  You can also get accustomed to wearing a  heavy jade bangle, and miss it very much when you take it off.  Wearing jade can help you to become more mindful in your daily living.  It's also enjoyable.  The girlfriends were commenting about how cold the jade felt when they first touched it, then it warmed to their skin temperature, but the part of the jade bangle that didn't touch their wrist or skin was still cold.  Being aware of that is mindfulness, and that's part of the spirituality of wearing jade.

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