I fell in love with jade during my first trip to China to learn about Chinese medicine. I purchased a few jade items, bangle bracelets, pendants, jade rollers and gua sha tools, and set up my first online store, https://yingyujade.com. Then I returned to China to meet a jade carver and purchase from him. It was a 14 hour train trip to Dandong, where I met a government jade person who would take me a few hours to Xiuyan where the jade mines and jade carvers were.
He had a government "limousine" to transport. When I got inside, I was sitting on something that "felt special". The seats were covered with jade seat covers, made with jade beads over fabric, one for each individual seat. I was amazed! After the long train ride, I felt happy, healthy and "ready to go" from all that jade "Qi energy".
I met the jade carver, that I still use. He purchases Chinese jade directly from the jade mines, and carved to traditional and Chinese medicine standards.
We also visited some jade museums, where I learned a lot more about jade.
I purchased a lot of jade to take home!
But the best jade I got was when the jade car seat covers were given to me as a gift.
Of course I wanted to use them in my car, but they are so gorgeous I didn't want to use them for every day riding. So I just used them a few times. Then I put them in storage, cool and dark, so they would stay in good shape.
They are for sale! There is only one set of two jade seat covers, so when they are sold, they will no longer be available. If you need good qi energy for body, mind and spirit, and want a beautiful car, then buy them while you can!